Comprehensive investigative assistance for the legal profession

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Phil Jones discusses serial con artists

Vices, vanity, fantasy: Joanne Harrison fraud saga highlights calls for public’s right to know about serial con artistsRepublished from Stuff News New Zealand – Reporter John Weekes Different fraudsters have different drives, different vices, different victims. But fraud investigators agree on one thing: Although major public agency scandals like Joanne Harrison’s can reverberate for years, countless other cases are covered-up, as companies worried about saving face cut deal...

October 1, 2024

IBM i2 Analyst Notebook : Visualisation and Charting Software

One of the most powerful tools used by intelligence analysts to analyse information and support investigators is visualisation software.  The old adage “a picture paints a thousand words” holds weight in the area of investigation and intelligence.  Using visualisation software to combine all available information and build it into an image based format rather than pages of text or tables of data, increases our ability to absorb, understand and interpret that information.  It s...

October 1, 2024

Licensing requirements

In the past couple of years the Ministry of Justice, Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority (PSPLA), has issued two relevant determinations that have changed the landscape for many sectors in our profession.First, the PSPLA determined that persons making enquiries, interviewing witnesses and/or performing investigative work in the employment relations, dispute type areas covered by the Employment Court, were deemed to be acting in the capacity that required them to hold a Private Investi...

September 27, 2024

Welcome to LSNZ

It is fitting to provide some background as to why and where Litigation Support Limited emerged.For the past 40 years, our company founder Ron McQuilter has been providing investigative services for lawyers, corporates and government. Though in dealing with the criminal Justice side of our profession, Ron's focus has primarily been on what is known by Pi's as "the side of the angels", Criminal defence PI work is colloquially known as "the dark side". Corporate legal investigative support has alw...

August 20, 2024 Posts 1-4 of 4 | Page